Salt Sparingly


Please Read Carefully

For the purposes of this policy, Salt Sparingly can be referred to as “we”, “us”, and “our”.

Those that visit Salt Sparingly and/or use Salt Sparingly’s recipes and/or enjoy the Salt Sparingly’s blog can be referred to as “you” or “user”.

A Disclaimer for visitors and users of Salt Sparingly.

All information and recipes shared on Salt Sparingly are written and produced for informational purposes only. Please note Salt Sparingly is not a dietary nutritionist or medical professional. All information shared, posted, commented, or discussed on Salt Sparingly should not be treated as professional advice.

Please consult with a medical professional or dietary nutritionist for individual treatment plans. Any nutritional information provided on Salt Sparingly is done so out of courtesy and should be considered an estimated personal guide.

Nutrition Calculator

Please note this nutritional calculator disclaimer: Online nutrition calculators are used to obtain this information. 

When cooking with any recipe on Salt Sparingly it is recommended to use your own nutrition calculator to obtain the most accurate nutritional information. Recipes nutritional information can change considerably when substitutions for ingredients are made. 

Salt Sparingly does list sodium intake levels quoted from various online medical websites and discusses different sodium needs based on the creators medical diagnosis only. Please consult with a dietary nutritionist or medical professional concerning any health specifics and dietary requirements specific to your needs. 

Food Allergies

While Salt Sparingly labels all ingredients used in each recipe, Salt Sparingly cannot guarantee reactions or triggers to food allergies. The reader and user and cook is responsible for reviewing all ingredients to ensure the recipe or product is safe for consumption in their household. If any food sensitivities or dietary restrictions exist within a Salt Sparingly recipe, it is best to substitute or avoid the ingredient in question.

If allergies are discovered or suspected within a recipe, discontinue and please contact your health care provider for recommendations on food allergy tests and treatments.

If a severe food allergy is triggered discontinue and call an emergency service to seek immediate treatment. 

Salt Sparingly cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies, adverse reactions, omissions, medical diagnosis, individual sodium intake, or errors published.

Services & Product Endorsements

Salt Sparingly disclaims any liabilities for any products or services recommended. Individuals who purchase or use products or services recommended do so at their own determination and volition.

 Liabilities & Damages

We hold no liability or responsibility for any incidental or accidental damages, losses, and/or personal afflictions suffered by an individual as a result of information presented and/or provided by Salt Sparingly.

User Responsibilities in using Salt Sparingly

Overall readers of Salt Sparingly are responsible for their own health and food intake. Information presented is not a replacement for a medical professional or personal dietary requirements.

Those that enjoy and use Salt Sparingly assume full responsibility and/or risk. Salt Sparingly is not intended for self diagnosis, treatment, cure, or in any manner to prevent the onset of any disease. 

While we test and verify our recipes individual results may vary from person to person. Salt Sparingly assumes no responsibilities for errors or omissions which may appear on our website.

By using Salt Sparingly and its content, the reader or user acknowledges and agrees to the Salt Sparingly usage disclaimer.

Salt Sparingly

Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer

Salt Sparingly owns intellectual and property rights to all of the content and material shared on our website, and/or social medias.

Those who use and visit Salt Sparingly may view, print, or download for personal usage only. Restrictions for commercial usages apply to any republication, redistribution, licensing for other usages, and/or sales.

Please note modifications of website content or material is not allowed.

All elements, website design, content, and material are presented and associated with Salt Sparingly are protected under the United States copyright law.
Policies & Terms

Policies & Terms

These Policies and Terms identify what information we gather and how we use such information.

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